4-H Exploration Days rules and consequences – Part 2

Youth may face these consequences if they break the rules at 4-H Exploration Days.

4-H Exploration Days teaches youth significant life skills such as decision-making and citizenship, which assist them in following rules and expectations. In order to ensure a smooth and safe program, we need rules and consequences in place. Redirecting negative behaviors is handled by 4-H staff and volunteer chaperones.

Youth are expected to listen to the adults in charge and follow the general rules outlined in “4-H Exploration Days rules and consequences – Part 1 and listed in the "4-H Exploration Days Handbook."

In this second article, we will discuss what happens if you don’t follow the rules at Michigan State University’s overnight pre-college program. This is the process associated with extreme behavior issues or misconduct.

If you misbehave seriously enough during 4-H Exploration Days, staff will contact parents. The parents or guardian will be informed of what has happened and what the follow-up action will be. The youth may face the following possible consequences:

  • Given a second chance, with a clear understanding of the expected behavior.
  • Dismissed immediately from the event at their parents or guardians expense.
  • Prohibited from participating in other MSU programs.
  • Turned over to the appropriate law enforcement authority (if a crime was committed).

If participants are dismissed early from 4-H Exploration Days, the parent or guardian is expected to arrange for timely pick up and incur any related expenses. During the time when the parent or guardian is notified and arrives on campus with proper identification, youth will be separated from the program activities and remain under staff supervision.

In extreme circumstances, youth may be turned over to local authorities during the wait time before pick up occurs.

Please refer to MSU Extension’s “4-H Exploration Days Handbook” for the full list of rules and consequences if rules are broken while attending. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your county 4-H program coordinator.

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