All rezonings are not good rezonings

Local officials should always review rezoning applications closely to ensure they are consistent with a community’s master plan.

Zoning ordinances were created to reduce conflict between incompatible land uses, aid in nuisance abatement, and to protect property values. The development of a city zoning ordinance should involve a review of the community’s master plan and current land use patterns. 

Once a thorough review has been completed and the land use priorities developed, amendments to the zoning plan should be adopted consistent with the priorities of the master plan. Some zoning changes may need to be adopted as soon a possible while others may need to be adopted as trends develop in specific districts.

Therefore, zoning changes should be consistent with the master plan for that community and that close compatible relationship should be maintained. This is particularly important, as the Michigan Zoning Enabling statue requires that the zoning ordinance be based on the plan, and that plan is the master plan referenced in the Michigan Planning Enabling Act.

Local officials should always do their due diligence in reviewing zoning codes. If done correctly, a community will invest a lot of time, money and staff in developing a master plan and a sound zoning ordinance. They will establish districts based on a reasonable, rational master plan. In conducting such reviews a consideration of the consistently of the proposed rezoning with the master plan should be determined.  Impact of adjacent land use should be reviewed. Any negative external impacts should be considered. Once a thorough review has been completed, the local officials should decide if the rezoning is in the best interest of the community and if it is not, it is OK to say no.

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