Healthy tips for healthy pregnancy

Healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is important for your health and for the baby’s development. First thing first, it’s important you visit your health provider during all stages of your pregnancy. Your provider will guide through this very important period of your life and will assist you with the necessary care you need. As anyone can expect, a pregnant woman visiting her doctor will have many questions that need to be answered. A helpful tip when visiting your provider, write down your questions or concerns ahead of time before your appointment. If you need assistance with health coverage and if you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant, please visit the Health Care website

Eating a healthy balanced diet during your pregnancy and staying physically active are just two contributing factors to a healthy pregnancy. Every expectant mother requires a personalized plan for their nutritional needs. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourages all expectant mothers at all stages of pregnancy to follow the Choose My Plate’s daily food plan, which serves as a guide with the foods and amounts that are customized to meet specific nutritional needs. This plan will take into account the age, height, weight, physical activity levels, and pregnancy stage of expectant mothers. Here are some basic starting tips as you embark on your pregnancy journey:

  • Eat healthy foods. Consume foods high in fiber, fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fat. Avoid oversized foods.
  • Keep physically active. Participation in recreational physical activities before and during pregnancy may help prevent developing gestational diabetes. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on a daily basis. Take a walk or ride your bike on a daily basis.
  • Maintain healthy weight before pregnancy. If you plan to get pregnant, having a healthy weight status is the most important key to prevent gestational diabetes and other pregnancy complications such as gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.

For additional information on pregnancy, please visit the following sites:

Making small steps towards a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy will result in healthier outcomes for you and your baby. Before making any important health related decisions, always consult with your health provider. Michigan State University Extension offers various educational programs for adults, families, and children. For more health and nutrition tips, visit Michigan State University Extension.

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